More of My Story
Throughout my life I traveled all over the state of Texas, from hunting grounds to hunting camps. I’d always hear stories of hunters upgrading their hunting and camping RV’s. There was always discussion of what they should do with their old one.
So I came up with this ruff idea, what if I could convince them to donate their old RV homes and in return for their generosity they’d receive a tax deduction. We’d then restore the donated mobile homes for the homeless to use.
Throughout my life I gave my unconditional love to everyone I met and I’m hoping you’ll do the same and give unconditionally to help provide homes for the homeless. The next time that you camp or hunt and you go to sleep in your new bed, remember that someone is laying down in their new bed, thanking you for your unconditional love and generosity.
Please contact us and we’ll arrange to pick up your RV home and get the appraisal and paperwork you’ll need for a tax deduction.